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名前:gradient color 日時: 2013/01/11 01:19

こんにちは: how do gradient change color filling or dxlib have similar function? お荫様で助けを求めた

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Re: gfm ( No.1 )
名前:さかな 日時:2013/01/11 20:14

ひらがな Your demand might be partially met with DrawPolygon(), the library's innate function. If you are thinking of a way to draw some basic shapes filled with colors in a gradient fashion, this should be the solution. Otherwise--to literally "fill" some specific pixel areas--MakeXRGB8SoftImage() might be effective. In the latter case, I'm afraid you must implement the pixel manipulation algorithm by yourself. A sample in which a gradiently coloured rectangle is drawn is shown below: VERTEX v[6]; ZeroMemory(v,sizeof(VERTEX)*6); //Clear rubbish v[0].x=100.0; v[0].y=100.0; v[0].r=128; v[0].g=255; v[0].b=160; v[0].a=255; v[1].x=200.0; v[1].y=100.0; v[1].r=255; v[1].g=128; v[1].b=160; v[1].a=255; v[2].x=100.0; v[2].y=200.0; v[2].r=128; v[2].g=160; v[2].b=255; v[2].a=255; v[5].x=200.0; v[5].y=200.0; v[5].r=64; v[5].g=255; v[5].b=32; v[5].a=255; v[3]=v[2]; v[4]=v[1]; DrawPolygon(v,2,DX_NONE_GRAPH,false); I'll be glad if you find this information helpful, and please forgive me for possible use of rude English.
Re: gfm ( No.2 )
名前:gradient color 日時:2013/01/11 23:44

こんにちは: Thank you for your help, I'll try

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