※前日提示したDXライブラリ Ver 3.22c が少し古かったので最新版(Ver3.23)に更新してあります。
【Visual Studio エラー内容】
ソフト | @ | A | B |
community 2017 | 〇 | 〇 | ✕ |
community 2019 | 〇 | 〇 | ✕ |
community 2022 | 〇 | ✕ | ✕ |
@ ビルドに成功した
A デバッグに成功した (四角形が表示された)
B javaを有効化してビルドに成功した
※4.Java のコードを入力する 記載の Manifest.xmlを編集しただけでエラー発生、jarファイルを読み込む以前の問題でした。
Android Studio 4.0
Build-Tools 30.0.2
NDK 23.1.7779620
Gradle Plugin 4.0.0
Gradle Ver 6.1.1
SDK 31
native-lib.cpp > "DxLib.h" に赤い波線 (file not found)
DrawBox 関数以外の全てのDxLib関数が赤文字 (Use of undeclared identifier 'TRUE')
android_main が灰色 (Function 'android_main' is never used )
MainActivity.java > public native String stringFromJNI(); が赤文字
(Cannot resolve corresponding JNI function Java_com_meca_zeros_MainActivity_stringFromJNI. Could not find
an existing file with JNI definitions in it. Please add a file with JNI definitions to the project in order to get
suggestions. )
Build command failed.
Error while executing process C:\AndroidSDK_400\cmake\\bin\ninja.exe with arguments {-C ******プロジェクトパス******\app\.cxx\cmake\debug\armeabi-v7a native-lib}
ninja: Entering directory `******プロジェクトパス******\app\.cxx\cmake\debug\armeabi-v7a'
[1/2] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/native-lib.dir/native-lib.cpp.o
[2/2] Linking CXX shared library ******プロジェクトパス******\app\build\intermediates\cmake\debug\obj\armeabi-v7a\libnative-lib.so
FAILED: ******プロジェクトパス******/app/build/intermediates/cmake/debug/obj/armeabi-v7a/libnative-lib.so
cmd.exe /C "cd . && C:\AndroidSDK_400\ndk\23.1.7779620\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\clang++.exe --target=armv7-none-linux-androideabi16 --gcc-toolchain=C:/AndroidSDK_400/ndk/23.1.7779620/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64 --sysroot=C:/AndroidSDK_400/ndk/23.1.7779620/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/sysroot -fPIC -g -DANDROID -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -march=armv7-a -mthumb -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fno-limit-debug-info -static-libstdc++ -Wl,--build-id=sha1 -Wl,--no-rosegment -Wl,--fatal-warnings -Wl,--no-undefined -Qunused-arguments -shared -Wl,-soname,libnative-lib.so -o ******プロジェクトパス******\app\build\intermediates\cmake\debug\obj\armeabi-v7a\libnative-lib.so CMakeFiles/native-lib.dir/native-lib.cpp.o -LC:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a -llog -landroid -lGLESv1_CM -lEGL -lGLESv2 -lOpenSLES -lm -lDxLib -lDxUseCLib -ljpeg -lpng -lzlib -ltiff -ltheora_static -lvorbis_static -lvorbisfile_static -logg_static -lbullet -lopus -latomic -lm && cd ."
ld: error: undefined symbol: __gnu_thumb1_case_uqi
>>> referenced by DxBaseImage.cpp
>>> DxBaseImage.o:(DxLib::ReverseGraphImage(DxLib::tagBASEIMAGE*)) in archive C:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a\libDxLib.a
>>> referenced by DxBaseImage.cpp
>>> DxBaseImage.o:(DxLib::ReverseBaseImageH(DxLib::tagBASEIMAGE*)) in archive C:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a\libDxLib.a
>>> referenced by DxBaseImage.cpp
>>> DxBaseImage.o:(DxLib::ReverseBaseImage(DxLib::tagBASEIMAGE*)) in archive C:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a\libDxLib.a
>>> referenced 85 more times
ld: error: undefined symbol: __gnu_thumb1_case_uhi
>>> referenced by DxBaseImage.cpp
>>> DxBaseImage.o:(DxLib::ReverseBaseImageV(DxLib::tagBASEIMAGE*)) in archive C:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a\libDxLib.a
>>> referenced by DxBaseImage.cpp
>>> DxBaseImage.o:(DxLib::DrawCircleBaseImage(DxLib::tagBASEIMAGE*, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)) in archive C:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a\libDxLib.a
>>> referenced by DxBaseImage.cpp
>>> DxBaseImage.o:(DxLib::DrawCircleBaseImage(DxLib::tagBASEIMAGE*, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)) in archive C:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a\libDxLib.a
>>> referenced 60 more times
ld: error: undefined symbol: __gnu_thumb1_case_si
>>> referenced by DxBaseImage.cpp
>>> DxBaseImage.o:(DxLib::GraphColorMatchBltVer2(void*, int, DxLib::tagCOLORDATA const*, void const*, int, DxLib::tagCOLORDATA const*, void const*, int, DxLib::tagCOLORDATA const*, tagPOINT, tagRECT const*, int, int, unsigned int, int, int, int, int, int)) in archive C:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a\libDxLib.a
>>> referenced by DxBaseImage.cpp
>>> DxBaseImage.o:(DxLib::GraphColorMatchBltVer2(void*, int, DxLib::tagCOLORDATA const*, void const*, int, DxLib::tagCOLORDATA const*, void const*, int, DxLib::tagCOLORDATA const*, tagPOINT, tagRECT const*, int, int, unsigned int, int, int, int, int, int)) in archive C:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a\libDxLib.a
>>> referenced by DxBaseImage.cpp
>>> DxBaseImage.o:(DxLib::GraphColorMatchBltVer2(void*, int, DxLib::tagCOLORDATA const*, void const*, int, DxLib::tagCOLORDATA const*, void const*, int, DxLib::tagCOLORDATA const*, tagPOINT, tagRECT const*, int, int, unsigned int, int, int, int, int, int)) in archive C:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a\libDxLib.a
>>> referenced 46 more times
ld: error: undefined symbol: __gnu_thumb1_case_sqi
>>> referenced by DxBaseImage.cpp
>>> DxBaseImage.o:(DxLib::SetPixelBaseImage(DxLib::tagBASEIMAGE*, int, int, int, int, int, int)) in archive C:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a\libDxLib.a
>>> referenced by DxModel.cpp
>>> DxModel.o:(DxLib::__MV1LoadTexture(void**, int*, void**, int*, int*, int*, int*, char**, char**, wchar_t**, wchar_t**, wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, int, float, int, int, DxLib::MV1_FILE_READ_FUNC const*, bool, int, int)) in archive C:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a\libDxLib.a
>>> referenced by DxModelLoader0.cpp
>>> DxModelLoader0.o:(DxLib::PStrMoveOneB(DxLib::X_PSTRING*)) in archive C:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a\libDxLib.a
>>> referenced 23 more times
ld: error: undefined symbol: __gnu_thumb1_case_shi
>>> referenced by DxBaseImage.cpp
>>> DxBaseImage.o:(DxLib::SaveBaseImageToBmp_WCHAR_T(wchar_t const*, DxLib::tagBASEIMAGE const*)) in archive C:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a\libDxLib.a
>>> referenced by DxChar.cpp
>>> DxChar.o:(DxLib::CL_vsnprintf(int, int, int, int, char*, unsigned int, char const*, std::__va_list)) in archive C:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a\libDxLib.a
>>> referenced by DxChar.cpp
>>> DxChar.o:(DxLib::CL_vsnprintf(int, int, int, int, char*, unsigned int, char const*, std::__va_list)) in archive C:/DxLib_Android/プロジェクトに追加すべきファイル_Android用/armeabi-v7a\libDxLib.a
>>> referenced 43 more times
clang++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Android Studio ArcticFox 2020.3.1 Patch 4
Build-Tools 32.0.0
NDK 23.1.7779620
Gradle Plugin 7.0.4
Gradle Ver 7.0.2
JDK 11.0.10
SDK 31
デバッグは実機使用 (SCV40 Android 10)
※以下AndroidStudio 4.0 と同様
native-lib.cpp > "DxLib.h" に赤い波線 (file not found)
DrawBox 関数以外の全てのDxLib関数が赤文字 (Use of undeclared identifier 'TRUE')
android_main が灰色 (Function 'android_main' is never used )
MainActivity.java > public native String stringFromJNI(); が赤文字
12/16 14:43:04: Launching 'app' on samsung SCV40.
Install successfully finished in 4 s 365 ms.
$ adb shell am start -n "com.***プロジェクト名***/android.app.NativeActivity" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -D
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
Connected to process 17502 on device 'samsung-scv40-****デバイスID****'.
Connecting to ***プロジェクト名***
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
★Waiting for application to start debug server
Connecting to ***プロジェクト名***
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
★Waiting for application to start debug server
Connecting to ***プロジェクト名***
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
★Waiting for application to start debug server
Connecting to ***プロジェクト名***
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
★Waiting for application to start debug server
Connecting to ***プロジェクト名***
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
★Waiting for application to start debug server
Connecting to ***プロジェクト名***
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
★Waiting for application to start debug server
Connecting to ***プロジェクト名***
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
★Waiting for application to start debug server
Connecting to ***プロジェクト名***
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
★Waiting for application to start debug server
Connecting to ***プロジェクト名***
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
★Waiting for application to start debug server
Connecting to ***プロジェクト名***
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
★Waiting for application to start debug server
Connecting to ***プロジェクト名***
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
★Waiting for application to start debug server
Connecting to ***プロジェクト名***
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
★Waiting for application to start debug server
Connecting to ***プロジェクト名***
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
★Waiting for application to start debug server
Connecting to ***プロジェクト名***
Waiting for application to come online: com.***プロジェクト名*** | com.***プロジェクト名***.test
★Waiting for application to start debug server
★Could not connect to remote process. Aborting debug session.